Sunday, September 24, 2017


Anthony Payne was born and educated in England but has spent most of his life abroad. He served in the British Army based in Germany. He was then employed as an expatriate manager and consultant in the Hong Kong, Japanese, Australian and Singaporean branches of a London-based international trading company.  
Subsequently, in Hong Kong, he set up a number of his own businesses, including printing, publishing, offshore company formation, database management and property management.   
He has visited many countries and has observed the poverty and inequality that still exists in the world.  Initially, he thought that some radical upgrades of democracy - called "happi"Ocracy - could solve these problems. 
Eventually he concluded that today's democracy - more accurately called  representative democracy - means short-termism, with representatives being more interested in getting reelected than in the long-term good of their electorates.   
Anthony Payne believes that putting money directly into the pockets of the world's billions of Minorities-Of-One (that's all of us), is the best way to solve today's inequality within countries and between them.  "HappiMoney For All" is his story.


25th Sep 2018

Hi, my name is Tony Payne. My business name is Anthony Payne.

I am a MOO - a Minority-Of-One and a Microeconomy-Of-One.  I am one of about 8 billion other MOOs on Planet Earth. We are all different.

My vision for the world is happier people in happier relationships in happier nations for only then will there be peace on earth.

This vision can be achieved by an upgrade of representative democracy called "happi"ocracy. "Happi"ocracy is based on the philosophy of "happi"erism, also known as "happi"ism.

Happiism is the notion that government's greatest good is not the greatest happiness - but the least UNhappiness - of the greatest number.

In the same way that democracies are deemed to be democracies because they hold "free and fair elections", so happiocracies are deemed to be happiocracies because they have implemented a new Human Right called "happi"money" - brand new money created every month and distributed equally to all citizen-shareholders.

As this new Human Right becomes more widely implemented the world will house fewer and fewer "unhappies" until one day there will be peace on earth. 

New money being injected into the economy through dividends would replace the current system of it being injected through bank loans.

More about this topic in various places.

I'm also a Brit, a veteran, an entrepreneur and a  writer who takes an awfully long time to get into print.  Let's hope it's worth the wait. 

Although my homeland is the UK, I've lived most of my life elsewhere - in Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, Spain, Gibraltar and the Philippines.

I've also visited more than 40 other countries. One highlight was the charming island of Tahiti where I stayed a whole week. Why? Because, at that time, there was only one flight per week.

More importantly, I've seen with my own eyes the poverty of places like India and the Philippines. It makes one's heart bleed to witness the depths of poverty at which human MOOs can survive. 

Poverty is the first item in the United Nation's list of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

I believe Happimoney For All can help solve these 17 Goals quicker than any other way.

I've never voted in my life. But I have pondered government from the point of view of an employee, employer and citizen, and I've concluded there must be a better way than today's democracy.

At last, on 6th January 2002, I registered the domain "HAPPI"OCRACY.COM.  

Subsequently I also registered related "happi" domains such as "happimoney, "happi"cash, "happi"law, "happi"justice, "happi"nomics, "happi"tax, "happi"erism, "happi"ism, "happi"erness and so on.

But "happi"ocracy and all those other "happi with an i" words, do not aim to make people "happy" in the absolute. 

On the contrary, they aim to minimize government-induced UNhappiness - inequality, exclusion, opacity and so on.  

To the extent they make us less unhappy, we become "happier-than-otherwise". Hence the philosophy of "happi"erism", aka "happi"ism". 

It was with this philosophy in mind that I developed "happi"ocracy - a form of government that turns today's democracy on its head.  We-the-people become top dogs, actively participating in lawmaking, justice, the budget and so on.  

Just imagine a jury of we-the-people judging each new bill before it becomes law!!! Corrupt bills would quickly be found needless, saving us billions in overheads. 

Great ideas.  

But impossible to implement.  

Today's lawmakers simply wouldn't vote for laws that would put an end to their own power.  

And we-the-people are so absorbed in our own self-interests that some may prefer to look after their own short-term interests by voting incumbents back into office, than to put their hopes in the long-term benefits of "happi"ocracy. 

What's the solution? What incentive is there that will prompt people to forego the short-term benefits they expect from their chosen politicians at the next election? 

The only universal incentive is m.o.n.e.y. 

Hence the birth of "happi"money. 

"Happi"money is a free dividend for All. Every  month. For life. As a Right.  

This should be a sufficiently desirable alternative for voters to forego their short-term wants, and to refuse to re-elect incumbents unless they will vote for Happimoney For All.

Once we all get happimoney every month, the world will change. And there will be peace on earth.



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